Best Akimbo pistol loadout and tuning for Warzone 2 Season 2 Reloaded
Call of Duty Warzone 2 recently implemented the Season 2 Reloaded update, which has brought various changes and major weapon adjustments to the game. In a recent YouTube video, popular content creator and player EyeQew showcased a new Akimbo pistol build using the X13 Auto, claiming it to be one of the best weapon choices in Warzone 2.
He also attached a gameplay video to demonstrate the weapon's efficiency and lethal impact. Players can utilize this to engage in fast-paced close-range gunfights with high mobility.
Let us take a closer look at EyeQew’s X13 Akimbo build for Warzone 2.
EyeQew recommends new Akimbo pistol build for Warzone 2 Season 2 Reloaded
Activision has a lot of content lined up for upcoming seasonal updates, including new weapons, game modes, cosmetics, and operators. The developers deploy various patches alongside the main update to balance the playing field and control any unbalanced weapons. These changes usually result in a shift in the weapon meta, shining the spotlight on other previously neglected guns.
The Akimbo pistols have wreaked havoc in Warzone 2 with their insane agility and fast fire rate in close-quarters combat. However, these weapons are less effective in ranged skirmishes and often occupy the secondary slot in loadouts.
X13 Auto weapon build
The X13 Auto hails from the XRK weapons platform and can be found inside the handgun category. It boasts a high fire rate of 923 Rounds Per Minute and a comparatively low bullet velocity of 375 m/s. The time-to-kill (TTK) speeds decrease drastically after around the 25-meter mark.
EyeQew suggests that players utilize his X13 Auto build to make the most out of it. Here is the complete build with all the pros and cons of the attachments.
Recommended build:
- Muzzle: FT Steel Fire
- Barrel: XRK LUC-9
- Laser: 1mW Pistol Laser
- Rear Grip: Akimbo X13
- Magazine: 33 Round Mag
Recommended Tuning:
- FT Steel Fire: +1.22 vertical, +0.84 horizontal
- XRK LUC-9: +0.45 vertical, +0.36 vertical
- 1mW Pistol Laser: +0.45 vertical, +49.5 horizontal
The FT Steel Fire boosts the X13’s bullet velocity, damage range, and recoil smoothness, alongside offering adequate sound suppression. It takes a toll on the overall Aim Down Sight (ADS) speed, aiming stability, and aim walking speed.
The XRK LUC-9 is a great barrel attachment for the pistol as it boosts movement speed and ADS speed while taking a slight toll on the bullet velocity and recoil control. The 1mW Pistol laser attachment increases hip recoil control, hip fire accuracy, and sprint-to-fire speed. The only downside of using this laser is that the light is visible to enemies.
The Akimbo X13 Auto pistols are a crucial part of this build, as they allow for dual-wielding. However, this blocks the ability to aim down sights. To compensate, the player can attach a 33-round extended magazine, which allows for consecutive gunfights without worrying about frequent reloads.
EyeQew’s X13 Auto weapon build guide focuses on increasing mobility, handling, and damage output. Since the pistols are generally used in hip-fire mode, players can easily compromise on ADS speed and ADS recoil control.
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